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Debt Payoff + Goal Setting + Budgeting App

New Mobile iOS App for Make It Rain

Group 8334.png

Project Details

My Role: Lead UX Designer
The Team: Catalyst CEO, 1 UX Designer & 1 Visual Designer
Tools: Figma
Project Duration: 1 month


Millions of people are in debt and are having trouble getting out of it. The money they owe is extremely overwhelming, especially to those who live paycheck to paycheck. 

How might we create a mobile app that allows users to set aside money to pay off their debts, set goals, budget their expenses, calculate their net worth and track their progress?


The client wanted to design a mobile app that was easy to use and motived people to pay their debts and get to financial stability. Nascar was a theme that he wanted incorporated into the designs and the branding and illustrations needed to be based on the visuals of the book that he had written. 



Understood client's  requirements, vision, branding, target audience and problems.

Competitive Research

Researched different ways to budget expenses, create goals / habits, get a snapshot of their savings and net worth...

Mint Budgeting App
Habit App
Silvur Finances App


Created personas and user flows to understand the users based on the information and statistics from the client.


Low-fi wireframes were created for all of the core flows - login, home page, profile, navigation, setting goals, inputing expenses, my snapshot and notifications.

Feedback + Iteration

Each week, throughout the whole project, bi-weekly meetings with the client were held to go over the progress and work that had been done. Based on feedback from the client, iterations were made. 

Visual Design

Our Visual Designer created the look and flow of a few screens. After client approval, the styling was applied across the remainder of the screens. 

Hand Off

Final designs + the final prototype were handed off to the client, who then transferred over to his team of developers. App is currently being coded and will launch sometime this year!

Personas + User Flows

UX Persona - 2.png
UX Persona - 1.png
Untitled_Artwork 4 1 (1).png
Group 1 (3).png

Wireframes + Final Designs

(not all designs are displayed)

The Starting Line - Budgeting

First Pass

Group 130 (1).png

Final Designs

Group 134 (1).png

First Pass

Group 141.png

Final Designs

Group 142 (1).png

Create a Goal + Goal Details

Final Prototype

Hand Off

Final designs + the final prototype were handed off to the client, who then transferred over to his team of developers. App is currently being coded and will launch sometime this year!

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